Patrick Brennan joins ColArt, Americas after the 1st of the year as Vice President of Sales. Patrick most recently held the sales leadership position at toymaker Playmobil USA and he replaces Charlie Newcomer.
Congratulations to Jerry’s Artist Outlet on celebrating its 10th year in business. Owners Allen and Bonnie Shefts were recently written up in the Baristanet Blog and the review was glowing. “Jerry’s stands somewhere in between the big box store behemoths and the intimate boutique art supply store, Flannery’s Corner, which closed in 2006. It’s big enough to have a huge variety of items in stock, but it’s staffed by real artists, who can tell you why a Kolinsky watercolor brush sells, discounted, for $286.” Check out the photo slide show too: Jerrys Artist Outlet-10th Anniversary
Angelina Jolie and two of her children were spotted by the paparazzi this month in New York City shopping for holiday gifts and art supplies at what is becoming their favorite store, Lee’s Art Shop!
Crescent Cardboard is shaking things up. Kate McCarthy is moving up to be the President from her role as Senior VP of Marketing. Kate has 25 years of experience in the industry and great marketing expertise. Steve Kosmalski and Scott O’Shea both left the company on November 22nd.
Merry Christmas you old Montana Gold! This festive holiday season window display is courtesy of Rileystreet in San Rafael, CA.
This is a month for celebrities showing off their artistic leanings. In this shot Black-Eyed Peas vocalist Fergie using a can of Montana Gold to express herself!