No matter what size retailer you are, you can extend and expand the reach of your store with Multi-Channel Marketing from Creative Catalog Concepts (CCC) and MacPherson’s. Flyers, Calendars, Catalogs, Postcards and e-commerce websites, combined together, pack a powerful marketing punch. Studies show that customers of multi-channel retailers spend 30% more than customers of single-channel retailers, and for every $1 spent online, the Internet influences consumers to spend another $6 in stores.
Custom Website for e-Commerce Now you can sell art materials online! Keep your store open to your customers 24/7 and expand your reach. CCC will custom design a website with online shopping for you – to your specifications. You choose what to sell online.
Now, we’ve heard that the good ol’ boys down in Louisiana are planning to offer their own custom web site to art supply retailers for free. All we ask is that you check out very carefully what you put your good name to and don’t forget the old adage, “you get what you pay for”. The folks at CCC are pros who do this kind of stuff for a living. Unless you already have a lot of experience in web marketing, you may need a knowledgeable partner like CCC to get your site off the ground. Do you really want to put something as “mission critical” as your web site development in the hands of non-professionals? CCC has a proven track record and the experience and expertise to help you avoid the most costly mistakes. We offer the most extensive art supply catalog in the industry and not only does our database contain 30,000 skus to select from, but it is also fully illustrated, with professional consumer friendly product descriptions. Our search algorithms allow the easiest ways to locate obscure products this side of Google and you know what that means; happier customers, buying more products! Even better, you can add your own product selection whether or not the lines are stocked by MacPherson’s or purchased direct.
You control prices, shipping charges, and more. Save time and let MacPherson’s fulfill online orders––packages will be shipped directly to your customer, with your store name on the packing slip. Order fulfillment from MacPherson’s will be available in the second half of 2008.
From $129.95*
The best part of all is that you can single source the entire product selection from your trusted partner at MacPherson’s. Our mission is to support your success!
Check out the Creative Catalog Concepts website for more details (CCC Website) and make contact for a personal no obligation consultation with them today. Call Sally at (800)-260-1353.