• Industry News

    To MAP or Not to MAP, That is the Question

    We received a letter recently from Logan announcing that the company would be dropping its Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) program at the end of 2009. In the letter, posted below, they did not site reasons, but this bold act makes us want to take stock of the so-called benefits of MAP programs. On the one hand, MAP offers some protection to both small retailers and big brands from destructive and unproductive price wars, and on the other, it can stifle honest competition, impede pricing that benefits consumers and some even say give an unfair advantage to the largest retail outlets, either internet based or brick and mortar. We would love…

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    Subway Art Gallery Opening

    50 Improv Everywhere agents created an art gallery opening on the 23rd Street subway platform in Manhattan. They put up 30 placards next to objects in the space (pipes, electrical boxes, signs, advertisements), transforming them into works of art. The gallery included a bar, a coat rack and a cellist. The mission took place this past Fall, but this morning a couple of Improv Everywhere agents put up fresh copies of the placards in the station (uptown platform for the C/E at 23rd Street). If you live in New York, go check it out before the MTA removes them.

  • Industry News

    Industry News

    We are relieved to report that Kerry Kemp of Art Outfitters in Little Rock, Arkansas is doing fine after a scary car accident last weekend. Here is her account: “Last Saturday, my daughter and son-in-law and I drove to Dallas for my  nephew’s wedding.  About 3 hours before the ceremony, we were T-boned  by a car (running a red light)  in an intersection. We were both  traveling at 45 to 50ish mph. We are alive and have no broken bones.” Whew! Good thing the seat belts were all securely fastened! David Goldstein of Jerry’s Artarama is happy to report the birth of his grandson. Daughter  Dara gave birth to a 7 lb.,…

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    Inside MacPherson’s: Unsung Heroes of the DCs – Jackie Shelby

    From time to time we  like to share the stories of the people who make up our amazing team. Today our featured person is Jackie Shelby, an Order Picker in our Reno DC. Jackie Shelby has been a team member at our Reno Distribution Center for nearly three years. Before coming to work for MacPherson’s, Jackie’s first job was as a gas station attendant, where she learned the ins and outs of cars including fixing flat tires, changing oil and replacing spark plugs. Not only is Jackie well versed in many aspects of warehouse operation and  auto repair, she has many hobbies outside of work. In her spare time she…

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    New Items Program – Select Lines to be Centrally Stocked

    MacPherson’s has just implemented a new program to help improve in-stocks on new items. Going forward, select new items that are UPS-able will be centrally warehoused in our Elgin, IL Distribution Center. What does this mean to you if your normal DC is Atlanta or Reno? If any of these new products are included on your order, they will automatically be split from the PO and sent separately from Elgin. Whether the order is entered via PDA, EDI, Online Express, phoned in or faxed, our system will split your order into two shipments. Because of Elgin’s terrific geographic location orders should be reunited at your store with very little delay. The two order numbers…

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    STABILO Pot of Love!

    Ever wonder what’s at the end of a rainbow in Germany?  It’s not a pot of gold, it’s a pot of STABILO! And now that pot is available here in the US from MacPherson’s! This cute, red STABILO pot contains 150 Point 88 pens in assorted colors.  Put it on your counter and watch customers delight in choosing their treasured colors. Available now, the item number is SW88-150-2 and the total retail cost is $142.50. Your net is practically pocket change and there is no better way new introduce this addictive product than to place this cute bouquet on your counter(s) at the cash wrap!

  • Industry News

    Want to Know What’s New Before Anyone Else? Get Automatic Notification When New Art Dog Articles Are Posted!

    Did you know we are constantly adding articles and news to the Art Dog Blog? If you are on our email list, we send a notice via email once or twice a month, but for some people that just isn’t soon enough. There is a simple way that you can be alerted immediately and it’s called RSS or News Feeds. What is a News Feed and how do I start using this feature? News feeds allow you to see when websites like the Art Dog Blog have added new articles. You can get the latest content in one place, as soon as its published, without having to visit the websites you have taken the feed from.…

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    New from GOLDEN: Retail Staff Competition, Plus Online Videos & Promotions

    How do you win great prizes, encourage your staff to learn more about GOLDEN Mix More Media products and have fun all at the same time? Participate in the GOLDEN Mix More Media competition. On June 1, 2009, GOLDEN launched a Point of Purchase display competition to highlight the unique, creative uses of its Mix More Media products. The contest is open to any staffer employed at stores carrying the GOLDEN Digital Mixed Media (DMM) products, so encourage your folks to get their creative juices going, to create increased dynamics within the store and to earn a chance to win big! The DMM POP Display will be judged in four…

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    ATC Stencils Coming Soon From Stencil 1

    It’s all about mini-art! Artist Trading Cards are hot right now and Stencil 1 is coming out with the perfect accessory – ATC-sized stencils which feature Stencil 1‘s very cool and trendy designs. There will be 7 new ATC stencils sets with 8 designs in each, with themes like music, urban, birds, and geometric patterns. For a preview of these ATC stencils in action, check out this clip showing how to use them with inks: Look for the new Stencil 1 ATC stencils coming soon from MacPherson’s!

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    Top 1,000 Items List

    How many of MacPherson’s Top 1,000 items are in your store? If you don’t know, you may be missing out on easy sales. To learn what items are selling best go to the Dealer Zone at MacPhersonArt.com – you’ll find a link to the Top 1,000 items right under Business Basics. This handy ranking report has 2 columns – one for Rank by Hits and one for Rank by Sales $$, and is based on the most recent 12 month period. We’ll be updating it on a quarterly schedule: Feb 15, May 15, Aug 15 & Nov 15. Click here to go to the Dealer Zone.

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    Strathmore Offers Exciting Tips & Tools For Back-to-School!

    Although the economy has had an impact on all of us this year, the Back-to-School season is a promising time of fresh ideas and exciting opportunities.  During times of uncertainty what we need is the industry’s collective and creative effort in order to deliver the outstanding results we all expect from this key season. Strathmore is doing its part by offering its own stimulus package for retailers.  No, they didn’t consult Wall Street or Washington… just their own think tank to create all of the elements necessary for a successful season on Main Street. The Stimulus Package includes some fun and easy ways to drive more sales: • Ideas, instructions…

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    NEW! Assortments Report in Online Express @ MacPhersonart.com

    Ever wondered… “What colors are included in that Winsor & Newton watercolor assortment?” Even more to the point, once you’ve ordered a new display did you wonder where to find the retail prices, UPCs, etc. for all the contents? Well, wonder no more. Every item, from every assortment (in stock and drop ship) is now available right from MacPhersonArt.com. Login, go to Online Express and select the Assortments Report. Just enter your email address and you’ll receive the tab-delimited text file right in your mail box. The report lists each item and its corresponding assortment, vendor and included quantity, along with all of the same data that’s in the Macitem…

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    Post-it Notes Make Art!

    Creativity is an amazing thing. Check out this animated video created by students at Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD). And yes, MacPherson’s offers Post-it Notes. SKU Item No. Description List Un Inc Loc UPC/EAN Group Ascd Qty 218375 MT15577-2 POST-IT 654 3INX3IN YEL(12) $ 1.83 EA 12 REA U-021200155772 0150

  • Industry News

    Industry News

    Big congrats to Beth Bergman who is celebrating 25 years as the owner of St. Paul, MN Wet Paint. In her own words, “When Hugh Huelster turned Wet Paint’s keys over to me 25 years ago, I didn’t know what I was getting in to.” The rest is artistic history! Congratulations to CC Lowell’s owner,  Bill Cavanagh, celebrating his 20th anniversary as the owner of this venerable Worcester, MA art supply institution. With sadness we report that John Ruiz, sales manager at the Canson’s predecessor Morilla, passed away recently in Southern California. Howard Flax has left Flax Art & Design in San Francisco to head up a Petaluma, CA company…

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    Sharpie Out to Prove It’s More Than a School Supply… We Knew That!

    Marketing Daily reports that Sharpie is looking to keep its iconic markers top of mind with a new marketing campaign that positions the marker as the enabler of self-expression. “We do traditionally see a spike during a back-to-school time period,” Sally Grimes, global vice president of marketing for Sharpie, tells Marketing Daily. “But we’re starting now because we think Sharpie is about much more than a school supply. It’s a tool for self-expression not necessarily tied to any particular season.” The new effort, from Draftfcb in Chicago, includes print and television advertising, as well as an interactive and community Web site. Print, which broke this week, depicts Sharpie markers changing…

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    Inside MacPherson’s: Unsung Heroes of the DCs, Elgin Packing Dept.

    MacPherson’s Elgin packing department is a strong  four-person team consisting  of Oscar Garcia, Mike  Anderson, Salvador Corona and Toy Sayasane. Their work is divided among  three packers and one box  maker. These guys are at the eye of the hurricane. Being physically located in the middle of the distribution center, and between the steps of picking and shipping, this team is sort of ‘the meat between the bread.’ Their job is to carefully pack orders, ensuring that customers receive their orders in perfect condition. The reputation of the  company relies on the quality of each order, so the importance  of protecting the items going out cannot be overstated. If stuff…

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    Great Gamblin Etching Inks News!

    Now available through MacPherson’s at highly competitive prices! Gamblin Artists Colors Co is pleased to announce a pricing restructuring on the entire line of Etching Inks!  Effective immediately, Gamblin has reduced the List Prices of Etching Inks by approximately 50%.  This change is intended to help retail partners grow revenue and profitability in the Etching Ink category.  With the new pricing, retail partners can offer a compelling value to printmakers and compete effectively with brands that emphasize direct sales to schools and printmakers. Gamblin Etching Inks are made with the same respect for traditional materials and focus on permanence that have made Gamblin’s Artist’s Oil Colors the choice of many…

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    NEW New Age from RGM!

    Last year RGM took painting knives to a whole new level with the introduction of the New Age line.  With their unique, never seen before shapes, the New Age knives allow artists to open up their imaginations to create new shapes and textures in their paintings. This year, RGM has expanded the New Age line to include 12 more new and innovative styles.  With shapes that have earned nicknames like the “frog foot”, these new styles are definitely something you don’t want to miss! Wondering how to apply techniques using the New Age knives?  At NAMTA, RGM debuted a 40-minute DVD featuring artist Danielle Jouault demonstrating techniques with both the…

  • Industry News

    Montana Gold Hits Up the New KIA Soul!

    KIA and the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim have teamed up with Hense, a famous graffiti artist from Atlanta, GA, on a big promotion for the new KIA Soul. Hense custom painted a KIA Soul with colorful letters and cartoon characters from Adult Swim, which KIA is going to give away to one lucky winner as part of its promotional sweepstakes. Hense painted the car exclusively with Montana Gold! This commercial is airing on TV now, and it’s also being promoted on the Adult Swim website. The link below has the same video that’s on YouTube, but there are also some picture links at the bottom that lead to some great…

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    Chartpak News for June 2009

    Grumbacher unveiled its new, plastic Painting Knives at the recent NAMTA Trade Show in Louisville. These unique painting knives are larger and significantly stiffer than anything currently offered. The consensus was that these new knives were a “must-have”, and almost all said they would carry them in their stores. The new Grumbacher Painting Knives feature: +  Hard-wearing ABS plastic; won’t corrode or rust +  Non-glaring, neutral off-white tone for enhanced color mixing capability +  Lightweight, with excellent balance +  Large, easy to hold handle, with a convenient indentation for more control when needed +  Solvent safe, easy to clean, and usable with all mediums +  Perfect for mixing impasto techniques,…